The Choral Society of NEPA
While it’s difficult to summarize the sound of our ensemble and our approach to repertoire in only a few audio samples, we still wanted to try.
Peruse the various audio clips below to hear our adult choirs singing “classic” art music of the romanticist Brahms, the classicist Padre Martini, the baroque master Carissimi, a cappella music of the Russian church, or the more contemporary (but very traditional) John Rutter. Listen, as well to some more “modern” sounds from Morten Lauridsen, Paul Basler, or Z. Randall Stroope. Finally, enjoy some examples of our forays into the growing realm of multi-cultural music.
From Our 2024-2025 Season
From Our 2022-2023 Season
Brahms Requiem Movement I excerpt #1
Brahms Requiem Movement I excerpt #2
Brahms Requiem Movement I excerpt #3
Martini Domine ad adjuvandum me excerpt
Carissimi Jephte excerpt (final chorus)
New Sounds
Morten Lauridsen- Lux Aeterna III excerpt
Morten Lauridsen- Lux Aeterna V excerpt
Morten Lauridsen- Midwinter Songs 1 excerpt
Morten Lauridsen- Midwinter Songs 2 excerpt
Paul Basler- Alleluia excerpt
Paul Basler- Ubi Caritas excerpt
Hamiashar excerpt